Intensional Joy (a concatenative account of internal structure)

Intensional programming languages (no, I didn’t say intentional) have had a bit of a moment in the spotlight recently. Specifically, back in December, Johannes Bader’s website on tree calculus popularized some work on intensional rewriting systems which was largely spearheaded by Dr. Barry Jay. These are systems that resemble combinatory calculi like SKI, but have the ability to treat functions as more than just black boxes — you can look inside a function to see the code that defines it and do things with that.

Dr. Jay and collaborators have developed a number of variants — SF calculus, tree calculus, triage calculus, etc. — but they embody this same core idea for my purposes.

Today I want to take the idea of intensional programming and try to transfer the ideas from combinators to a different domain: concatenative programming. I have further thoughts about tree calculus, but they’re best left for another post.

About the name

In philosophy, when we describe a thing, we take an extensional view when we care only about the thing being described and an intensional view when we care about the way it was described. By analogy in programming we say that the extensional view of a piece of code encompasses only its I/O behavior and the intensional view encompasses its implementation details. So mergesort and (stable) heapsort are the same extensionally but different intensionally.

Brief introduction to Joy

Joy is a language which tries to capture the essence of concatenative programming. I’ll use a simplified version here which can be presented as a stack-based language or a system of rewriting rules.

Joy’s syntax is as follows: a program consists of zero or more commands, and a command is either a program wrapped in square brackets (a quotation) or one of {dup, swap, pop, cat, quote, eval} (the operators).

Stack-based semantics

A Joy program executes on a stack which contains programs. Each command has a certain behavior when executed:

So for example the Joy program [dup dup dup] [[pop pop]] swap quote cat eval dup cat results in a stack containing the two programs pop pop and dup dup dup dup dup dup.

Rewriting semantics

I’ll denote the rewriting relation by \to and use a,b,ca, b, c to range over arbitrary programs.

The execution of a Joy program can then be described by a sequence of rewrites:

[a]dup[a][a][a][b]swap[b][a][a]popϵ[a][b]cat[ab][a]quote[[a]][a]evala \begin{aligned} [a] \, \text{dup} &\to [a] \, [a] \\ [a] \, [b] \, \text{swap} &\to [b] \, [a] \\ [a] \, \text{pop} &\to \epsilon \\ [a] \, [b] \, \text{cat} &\to [a b] \\ [a] \, \text{quote} &\to [[a]] \\ [a] \, \text{eval} &\to a \\ \end{aligned}

If we always apply the leftmost rewrite which is not inside a quotation, then we get a notion of “applicative order reduction” which simulates the stack-based semantics. (Think of the sequence of quotations coming before the leftmost operator as representing the stack.)

The code example I gave about reduces as follows (redexes in blue):

 [dup dup dup] [[pop pop]] swap quote cat eval dup cat [[pop pop]] [dup dup dup] quote cat eval dup cat [[pop pop]] [[dup dup dup]] cat eval dup cat [[pop pop] [dup dup dup]] eval dup cat [pop pop] [dup dup dup] dup cat [pop pop] [dup dup dup] [dup dup dup] cat [pop pop] [dup dup dup dup dup dup] \begin{aligned} & \space \colorbox{#ccccff}{$ [\text{dup dup dup}] \space [[\text{pop pop}]] \text{ swap} $} \text{ quote cat eval dup cat} \\ \to & \space [[\text{pop pop}]] \space \colorbox{#ccccff}{$ [\text{dup dup dup}] \text{ quote} $} \text{ cat eval dup cat} \\ \to & \space \colorbox{#ccccff}{$ [[\text{pop pop}]] \space [[\text{dup dup dup}]] \text{ cat} $} \text{ eval dup cat} \\ \to & \space \colorbox{#ccccff}{$ [[\text{pop pop}] \space [\text{dup dup dup}]] \text{ eval} $} \text{ dup cat} \\ \to & \space [\text{pop pop}] \space \colorbox{#ccccff}{$ [\text{dup dup dup}] \text{ dup} $} \text{ cat} \\ \to & \space [\text{pop pop}] \space \colorbox{#ccccff}{$ [\text{dup dup dup}] \space [\text{dup dup dup}] \text{ cat} $} \\ \to & \space [\text{pop pop}] \space [\text{dup dup dup dup dup dup}] \end{aligned}

Making Joy intensional with one operator

Joy is extensional — it has no way to “take apart” a quotation into its consituent parts. The only way to inspect a program given on the stack is to eval it, which only tells us about the extensional behavior of that program, not its intensional properties.

Is there a single primitive we can add to Joy which gives it the ability to introspect programs?

My friend @olus2000 described an intensional operator map:

A B C map would map over every element of A applying B if it’s a primitive [i.e. operator] or C if it’s a quotation

This can be described in the rewriting semantics as follows:

[][b][c]mapϵ[[p]a][b][c]map[p]c[a][b][c]map[oa][b][c]map[o]b[a][b][c]mapif o is an operator \begin{aligned} [] \, [b] \, [c] \, \text{map} &\to \epsilon \\ [[p] \, a] \, [b] \, [c] \, \text{map} &\to [p] \, c \, [a] \, [b] \, [c] \, \text{map} \\ [o \, a] \, [b] \, [c] \, \text{map} &\to [o] \, b \, [a] \, [b] \, [c] \, \text{map} & \text{if $o$ is an operator} \\ \end{aligned}

I want to describe another operator, which is simpler but more unwieldy. Named quota, its behavior is to pop a single program from the stack and surround every command in that program (including quotations) in a quotation. For example, [quote [dup eval] cat] quota creates the program [quote] [[dup eval]] [cat] on the stack.

The rewriting semantics are a little annoying, but can be expressed with a similar recursive rule:

[]quota[][ca]quota[[c]][a] quota catif c is a command \begin{aligned} [] \, \text{quota} &\to [] \\ [c \, a] \, \text{quota} &\to [[c]] \, [a] \text{ quota cat} &\text{if $c$ is a command} \end{aligned}

(Recall that the difference between commands and operators is that quotations are commands.)

Equivalence of map and quota

I want to show that these two intensional operators can be expressed in terms of each other. The reduction quotamap (that is, expressing quota in terms of map) is not very complicated, so I’ll focus on the more interesting side: expressing map in terms of quota.

Suppose we have a quoted command [c][c] on the stack. To emulate the behavior of map, we need to detect whether it’s a quotation.

With the sole exception of dup, every operator we’ve introduced so far have the following two properties:

Quotations and dup are the only commands which grow the stack in this scenario. Imagine a program which looks like this:

[X1][eval][eval][eval][X2][][][][c] eval pop pop pop pop eval [X_1] \, [\text{eval}] \, [\text{eval}] \, [\text{eval}] \, [X_2] \, [] \, [] \, [] \, [c] \text{ eval pop pop pop pop eval}

If cc transforms the three empty quotations into three or fewer stack elements, then the pop commands will remove all of these elements, as well as the [X2][X_2] quotation, and we will be left with just [X1][X_1] and zero or more [eval][\text{eval}] quotations. The final use of eval will start a daisy-chain that ultimately reduces the whole expression to just X1X_1.

On the other hand, if cc creates an additional element on the stack, then the expression will reduce like:

 [X1][eval][eval][eval][X2][][][][c] eval pop pop pop pop eval [X1][eval][eval][eval][X2][][][][] pop pop pop pop eval [X1][eval][eval][eval][X2] eval [X1][eval][eval][eval]X2 \begin{aligned} & \space [X_1] \, [\text{eval}] \, [\text{eval}] \, [\text{eval}] \, [X_2] \, [] \, [] \, [] \, [c] \text{ eval pop pop pop pop eval} \\ \to^* & \space [X_1] \, [\text{eval}] \, [\text{eval}] \, [\text{eval}] \, [X_2] \, [] \, [] \, [] \, [\dots] \text{ pop pop pop pop eval} \\ \to^* & \space [X_1] \, [\text{eval}] \, [\text{eval}] \, [\text{eval}] \, [X_2] \text{ eval} \\ \to & \space [X_1] \, [\text{eval}] \, [\text{eval}] \, [\text{eval}] \, X_2 \end{aligned}

Thus this snippet effectively discriminates between two sets of commands: dup and quotations (for which X2X_2 will run) and everything else (for which X1X_1 will run).

Believe it or not, we’re now almost done: if we can find a way to distinguish dup from a quotation, we’ll have everything we need to implement map.

Putting together the implementation is just an exercise in Joy programming — the only tricky bit is that quota creates a subprogram which pushes a lot of stuff to the stack, and we need to be able to write a loop which iterates over all this stuff. Knowing when to stop the loop requires we put a “flag” on the stack which is clearly distinguishable from any command. One simple choice is a program that pushes two elements, like [][][] \, []. If we do this, we need to modify the above template program to also handle this third case and ensure iteration of the loop is stopped.

Distinguishing dup from a quotation

When I originally realized the problem of needing to distinguish dup from a quotation in subprogram X2X_2, I actually wondered if it was impossible. The problem here is that both of these commands will push a single element c2c_2 to the stack but we are limited in our ability to actually analyze this element. We can’t eval it, since it could be an arbitrary subprogram. And precisely because it is arbitrary, it doesn’t seem like there is anything we can do to reliably distinguish it from the program that would be created by dup.

Thinking about it more, though, it turns out that it actually is possible if we allow ourselves more invocations of quota — this time to introspect c2c_2.

The result of quota will be a subprogram consisting of some number of quotations, each of which consists of a single command.

We can once again use standard Joy programming techniques to count the number of these quotations. This time, we don’t need to distinguish any of the commands from each other; we just need to be able to identify some the stop condition. So we end up with a snippet similar to one from the last section, but a little simpler.

This gives us a decidable way to count the number of commands in any program. This is what finally lets us figure out cc: if cc is a quotation c=[c2]c = [c_2] then every time we count the number of commands in c2c_2, the result will be the same. OTOH, if c=dupc = \text{dup} then we can run cc with an empty program atop the stack, and we will observe that this results in the length of c2c_2 being zero. Then if we run cc again with [][] atop the stack, we will instead observe that the length of c2c_2 is 11.

In other words, we don’t recognize a quotation by any particular output, but by the way the output length is dependent on the contents of the stack.


I’ve now presented two different operators for intensional programming in a concatenative language, map and quota. quota is incredibly simple to describe, but a bit more complicated to use, whereas map is easy to use, but is arguably more complex since it subsumes the behavior of other operators (namely, it is capable of evaluating quotations, making it a bit redundant with eval).

Nevertheless, we’ve shown that each of these operators can have its behavior captured by the other. Normally I would say unequivocally that this makes these operators equivalent. However, in an intensional setting, equivalence is more complicated — map may be equivalent in behavior to an subprogram defined in terms of quota, but an intensional program would still be able to distinguish that the former is a single operator and the latter is a subprogram with multiple commands. I think that it would be valuable for future researchers to come up with a weaker general notion of equivalence that allows us to talk about intensional languages.

That said, I think I’ve provided evidence here that we have a notion of how to bring intensionality to a language like Joy that’s robust to exactly which primitive you introduce for it.

Although Joy is a very minimalist setting to work in, it wouldn’t be difficult to bring these operators into richer language as long as that language had the same basic syntactic structure. For example, one of the key assumptions we’re making about the syntactic structure of the language is that we don’t have to think about variable binding.

I think that, at the moment, the resarch of Dr. Jay and collaborators also leans on this conceptual simplification — it’s the reason their intensional calculi are based on combinatory calculi rather than lambda calculus. It may be possible to move past this limitation by bringing in ideas from languages with native ideas of variable binding, like λProlog and FreshML, but I will need more research to figure out exactly what these languages are doing.

What do the full versions of the reductions look like?

The reader is encouraged to try putting together some real Joy code that implements map in terms of quota and vice versa.