CallCC: a classic operator that defies intuition

Date: 2021-12-16
Originally written: 2021-10-01

Epistemic status: essentially a personal note. Might have any number of misconceptions.

A while ago, I was considering the "call with current continuation" operator, a rather magical primitive operation which is included in some functional programming languages, most notably Scheme. call-with-current-continuation can be described as reifying the return operator: it provides a function with an additional argument, which, when called, will cause the function to immediately return. For example, these programs are equivalent:

  (lambda (return)
    (+ 5 5)))

  (lambda (return)
    (return (+ 5 5))
    (whatever))) ; this statement will never be evaluated

return here is called a continuation and more conventionally named k. Like return statements in imperative languages, execution of the function body stops once it is called. What I noticed is that this breaks referential transparency, which (broadly) means that the program's results shouldn't depend on the evaluation strategy. Consider this program:

  (lambda (k)
    (define var (list (k 1)
                      (k 2)))

What does this return? The answer depends on the order of evaluation:

(The actual answer is that it could return either 1 or 2, but not 3. Scheme requires side effects to be handled but does not specify what order arguments can be evaluated in.)

So having call-with-current-continuation (also known as call/cc) in the language breaks referential transparency. As a corollary, it cannot be implemented in a referentially transparent language. This is why I called it a primitive operator rather than simply an ordinary function. The presence or absence of call/cc makes a meaningful difference to a language's semantics which is worth investigation.

Another thing I was thinking about at the time was an excerpt from an article I read in middle school. I don't remember the article's content, and most of it went over my head, but a comment that was somewhat independent from the article's main point stuck with me. To paraphrase:

Implementing the law of the excluded middle requires writing a term lem :: Either a (a -> Void). This can be implemented by first returning Right with an opaque function a -> Void. There is nothing the user could do with this function except pass in a value of type a to obtain a contradiction. At this point, the runtime has a value of type a, and can rewind the computation and return Left a with the provided value.

Edit (2022-09-29): it may have been this article, although that isn't consistent with the timing.

This idea of "rewinding the computation" seems an awful lot like call/cc, doesn't it? In fact, we can formalize this intuition by "proving" (defining) lem and call/cc in terms of each other in Haskell.

data Void

lem :: Either a (a -> Void)
lem = callCC (\k -> Right (\a -> k (Left a)))

callCC :: ((a -> Void) -> a) -> a
callCC f = case lem of
  Left (a :: a) -> a
  Right (na :: a -> Void) -> f na

Another axiom equivalent to the law of the excluded middle is double negation elimination: the conversion from a proof that something cannot be false to a proof that it is true. Double negation elimination and call/cc can be implemented in terms of each other.

dne :: ((a -> Void) -> Void) -> a
dne na = callCC (\k -> absurd (na k))
  where absurd (v :: Void) = case v of {} -- from falsehood, anything follows

callCC :: ((a -> Void) -> a) -> a
callCC f = dne (\not_a -> not_a (f not_a))

-- I'm not going to implement `lem` and and `dne` in terms of each other,
-- since it's not quite relevant to this topic and can be derived from the
-- implementations given here.

This, to me, indicates a connection between having a call/cc-like operation and proof-relevance. Double negation elimination, the LEM, and Pierce's law (which is the analogue of call/cc in classical logic) — these all seem intuitively correct in classical logic, and the reason is that we're okay with, for example, proving a disjunction ("either A or B is true") without having an algorithm that determines which side of the disjunction it is.

The reason these operations seem "weird" when interpreted as programs is that we do care about proofs — we expect to be able to "pattern match" and determine which case of a sum type holds. Introducing call-cc as a primitive operator weakens this ability, because we lose agnosticism of evaluation order: we know call/cc returns a value of type a, but as the initial examples demonstrated, the types alone don't tell us enough to know which one exactly.

I suspect, but do not know for sure, that this is the source of the distinction between propositions and types in many dependently typed proof assistants: propositions are a subset of types whose proofs cannot be inspected or pattern matched, enabling the language to introduce classical axioms as propositions without breaking referential transparency.